Smoking Herbs - 1235 Smokes

Calibrate Your Cannabis Experience

I took a month-long T break from smoking a little while ago. My tolerance had built up quite a bit, and I decided it was a good time to clear my system. I was able to hold out the whole month, so my tolerance dropped just about as far as it could.

After the break, I intentionally rolled my first joint with flower that I knew was not as strong because I was aware that my tolerance was not very strong. I lit it up, and after a few hits, I was absolutely zooted. I had become way too high. My tolerance had dropped so much that I could not consume a small amount without sending myself to the moon.

How to get less high

Being a problem solver, I tried to figure out different methods of taking it easier because I enjoy being able to finish a full J. I discovered that the best method of reducing the impact of the THC was to dilute my rolls with various herbs.

Not only do herbs help mitigate the effects of THC, but they also add some flair to your smoke sessions that can help fine-tune the impact of your joint. Below I will outline the best herbs to add to your joints.

Everything in moderation

As with anything in life, keep in mind the phrase "everything in moderation." This applies to herbs as well; ensure that you moderate your use of them. It is important that we allow our bodies to maintain a healthy homeostasis, and overusing any substance can cause chemical imbalances in our bodies.

Various herbs can cause an allergic reaction for some individuals, and most herbs should be smoked for a limited period of time. Consult with your healthcare professional before intaking new herbs.

Best herbs for smoking

The following herbs have been known for their use in herbal cigarettes where the user rolls the herbs themselves.


Damiana plant
  • Use: Damiana is a prominent herb that can be added to your blends for feelings of euphoria and an increased sexual drive. It gives the user feelings of warmth while decreasing feelings of anxiety.
  • Impact: Damiana has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and to alleviate anxiety and depression. 
  • Safety: It is possible for damiana to cause nausea and change blood sugar levels, especially when consumed in large amounts. People with diabetes will especially be vulnerable to these blood sugar level changes.
  • My experience: When I smoke a joint with damiana, I get an uplifting feeling in my chest that compliments the roll very nicely. Damiana makes me feel like I have more blood flowing through my veins, or at least that I am more aware of the blood coursing throughout my body.


Mullein plant
  • Use: Mullein is an excellent filler herb because it does not have a strong taste, and it burns well.
  • Impact: Mullein provides respiratory relief and is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps clear congestion and ease coughing and sore throats.
  • Safety: Mullein should not be smoked consecutively for more than two weeks. If used for two weeks, take a two-week break for your body to regain its natural homeostasis.
  • My experience: I generally add mullein to my rolls when I want the THC to hit more lightly. Mullein without a doubt makes the joint's smoke less harsh and less potent, which is great for when I or a friend do not want to get toasted from the joint. Personally, I will only use mullein a couple of times a week at maximum because it is recommended not to smoke as often.


Peppermint plant
  • Use: Peppermint adds a pleasant cool taste to your rolls. It may be added in small amounts to rolls, as too much can overpower the roll.
  • Impact: Peppermint has been known for its ability to ease intestinal strain, helping with gastrointestinal issues and nausea. It can also increase mental clarity and ease some respiratory symptoms.
  • Safety: There are no current restrictions on peppermint, and it is known for its versatility. As with the other herbs, some individuals could have an allergic reaction to peppermint, so if you experience discomfort in any form with peppermint, do not continue consumption.
  • My experience: Peppermint adds such a wonderful taste to my joints. The menthol kicks in strong, so not a lot is needed for its effects. It makes the smokes feel cooler and this cool feeling actually wakes me up a bit. I wouldn't say that it gives me energy; however, it does create mental clarity and helps me increase awareness of my surroundings and internal state.


Lavender plant
  • Use: Lavender is known for its calming effects and pleasant aroma. Various chemical compounds in lavender help relax your nervous system. Lavender may be used before bed to help calm the mind and body to ease into sleep.
  • Impact: It is best to use lavender before bed when you are ready to calm down. Lavender can reduce stress and help bring peace to your body when it is tense. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Safety: Long-term effects of lavender have not been studied in depth. It is recommended to use small amounts of lavender because too much can induce drowsiness or cause adverse health effects. Lavender can also interact with medicines that impact the nervous system, so as with others, consult a healthcare professional before consuming.
  • My experience: I love adding lavender to my rolls. It tastes wonderful and truly is deeply relaxing. Generally, I don't add much lavender, and I only add it on occasion. It is deeply relaxing and calms my mind and body quite a bit. After smoking lavender, I generally enjoy turning on a calm playlist and immersing myself in it.

Blue Lotus

Blue lotus flower
  • Use: Blue lotus is an ancient herb that has been used for ages by various ancient societies. It is psychoactive, being known for bringing on euphoria and relaxation to the user.
  • Impact: Being psychoactive, blue lotus will have a more noticeable impact on your rolls. It creates a feeling of increased awareness with a component of relaxation and easing of stress.
  • Safety: Blue lotus has not been studied intently, so we recommend only small amounts for short periods of time. It could interact with other medicines, so exercise caution with blue lotus.
  • My experience: When I add blue lotus to my rolls, I can tell that it is more powerful of an herb. My heart rate generally increases briefly, and I feel more engaged with my environment with a positive state of mind. It makes sense to me that this herb has been used in ancient cultures and their religious practices, as it induces a high similar to some cannabis strains.

Tips for smoking herbs

When rolling with new herbs, it is very important to research the health effects and potential interactions they can have with various medications.

In my experience, the best thing to do is experiment with various herbs to fine-tune your rolls. I have gotten to the point where I have different "recipes" for different states of mind that I believe will be most beneficial to me at different times. For example, when I am planning on meditating after smoking, I will often add a small amount of peppermint with blue lotus because this combination adds mental clarity and enhances my meditation experience.

It is also very helpful to organize your rolls if you like to roll multiple joints at a time. Some joints may have different combinations of herbs and different strains, and a great way to organize is to have different filter tips for different rolls. Not only do they make rolling easier, but they allow you to keep track of which joints serve various purposes.

Wrap up

Herbs add flavor and an enhanced experience when you roll joints. They can also buffer the THC content to help the THC hit more gently. If you would like to enhance your smoking experience and calibrate your rolls, herbs are a great way to do just that. They have completely transformed my smoking habits and allowed me to get the most out of my joints to complement my lifestyle, and they can do the same for you.

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