Discover the power of ZenTips - 1235 Smokes

Discover the power of ZenTips

Smoking is about having a beautiful experience. It is an opportunity to break from the monotony of common life and loosen up a bit. Anything we can do to kindle a positive mentality and a smooth experience helps us have more positive of a smoking experience. Zentips are designed to do exactly that.

Perks of Zentips

😊 Positive, unique designs

  • Let's say you are sharing smoking with a friend for their first time. When your friend sees some of the positive or unique energy on a Zentip, you are communicating the essence of cannabis to them.

♻ Reusable

  • The days of scrambling to make paperboard filter tips are over! Zentips are reusable 100 times each, so you can just snag one of them and roll with it.
  • Our food-grade stabilized silicone is an eco-friendly material that won't leak byproducts into the environment.

🧘‍♀️ Easy to roll

  • Zentips are a cheat code for rolling. The soft, grippy design makes rolling so much quicker and easier. 
  • Your filter tip won't slip out anymore - it's firmly set in the joint once it has been rolled in.

🧼 Easy to clean

  • To clean, simply clear the channels with your brush and add dish soap + warm water to a sealable container/bag, add Zentips, and shake! Rinse tips well after.
  • The cleaning brush on our site or a small brush can help remove anything stuck in the channels.

👃 Fresh smelling hands

  • You know when you smoke and can sense the smell all over your hands? Zentips protect your hands more from the smoke since they are non-permeable like paper.

👅 Unimpeded taste

  • Who doesn't love the taste of cannabis? Zentips leave zero trace of taste other than the cannabis itself for you to fully enjoy.

🍴 Fewer scooby snacks

  • Zentips catch those meddling scooby snacks (small herb chunks) and help prevent them from sneaking fully through the channel of the filter tip.

🎁 Excellent stoner gift idea

  • Can't figure out what to get your friend? Zentips add a personal touch - you can pick your friend's favorite colors and designs to implement in their smoke sessions!

Zentips will ultimately make your joint rolling experience so much easier, easing your mind and spirit from some of the tricky aspects of joint smoking.

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