Custom Joint Filters for Your Prerolls

Custom Joint Filters for Your Prerolls

Are you looking for custom filter tips to make your joints stand out from the rest? At 1235 Smokes, we are dedicated to making precise, beautiful filter tips to bring your prerolls to life.

In the realm of cannabis, competition is constant and relentless. Many individuals and organizations with business acumen have opened cannabis-related businesses, creating a supply-heavy market that is highly competitive.

It is essential to distinguish your company from the competition. It has been shown that powerful branding helps with customer retention and brand identity, and customer retention is a key indicator of a business's success.

Why custom filter tips?

When joints are rolled and smoked, they are almost always shared amongst friends. If you introduce a high-quality product that is enjoyed between a group, you are tapping into a market that will bring new customers and more revenue.

Our filter tips are designed for the most ideal smoking experience, with smooth airflow and a high-quality, non-toxic polymer for heat dissipation. Inevitably, when these tips are shared amongst friends, the friends will express curiosity about the origins of the tip, leading directly to your shop.

What customization options are there?

1. Design in the Face of the Tip

The face of the filter tip is an ideal location to display your logo, first letter, or an image associated with your brand. As the joint is passed through the group, the face of the filter tip is naturally noticed, and it will spark curiosity. This will bring attention to your brand, and it will naturally inspire new customers to seek out your products.

2. Side Text or Logos

On the side of the filter tip, we can include more intricate words or a website URL to further market your brand.

3. Size Matters

We can accommodate any size requirements you have. Whether you are rolling a pinner at 7.5 mm or a hash hole at 12 mm, we can create any size needed for your joints.

4. Color Your Tip

Whether you prefer more subtle colors or ones that pop, we can add it to your tips.

Bring new customers to your cannabis business

Marketing in the cannabis industry is objectively difficult. Ads are limited and can only be displayed in very particular instances. There are restrictions on advertising on social media platforms. So cannabis companies are more dependent on the original word-of-mouth marketing. To bring this marketing strategy more alive, give these tips a shot. Fill out our free consultation form, and we will send you an idea of what your tips can look like.

If you are interested, you can find a free render request form or head directly to our custom joint filter order page. Cheers!

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